International Conference on International Political Economy and Development ICIPED on April 26-27, 2026 in Istanbul, Turkey

International Conference on International Political Economy and Development ICIPED on April 26-27, 2026 in Istanbul, Turkey

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International Conference on International Political Economy and Development (ICIPED) April 26, 2026 - Istanbul, Turkey
Political Economy and Development
Theoretical Approaches to Development
Modernization Theory and its Challengers: Dependency Theory, World
System Theory, and Modes of production
Economic History, Growth, and Development
The Role of Institutions and Development
Democratic versus Authoritarian Institutions, Interests, and Development
Natural Resource Endowments and Development
Trade and Development
International Finance and Development
Bureaucratic politics
Comparative institutions
Constitutional choice
Government and business
Interest groups
Judicial institutions
Law and economics
Legislative behavior and organization
Macro political economy
Political economy of development
Political behavior and public opinion

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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