International Conference on International Marketing and Management Research ICIMMR on November 11-12, 2026 in Venice, Italy

International Conference on International Marketing and Management Research ICIMMR on November 11-12, 2026 in Venice, Italy

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International Conference on International Marketing and Management Research (ICIMMR) November 11, 2026 - Venice, Italy
International marketing
Global marketing
Luxury brands management
Consumer behavior
Digital marketing
CSR and luxury
Distribution strategy
International marketing
International finance
Multinational corporation
International transportation and logistics
International logistics management
International economics
Business administration
Business operations and decision making
Risk management and insurance
Political science and public administration
Leading roles in private and public sectors
Leadership development
Policy analysis
Strategy development
Complex global arena
International trade
International logistics management
Accounting and auditing
International relations
Management and information technologies
Economics and international relations
Economics and mathematics
Management and international relations
Developments in today's labor markets
Management theories
Production management
Strategic marketing
Advertising and finance
Monetary economics
Economic growth and development
Economic policy

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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