International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue and World Religions ICIDWT on September 27-28, 2025 in Hong Kong, China

International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue and World Religions ICIDWT on September 27-28, 2025 in Hong Kong, China

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International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue and World Religions (ICIDWT) September 27, 2025 - Hong Kong, China
Interfaith Dialogue
Interfaith and Climate Change
Biblical Theology
Evangelism and Missionary Work
Global Ethics
Holy Books and Scripture
Humanity, Technology and Religion
Human Rights and Religion
Linguistics, Language and Religion
Media and Religion
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution
Preaching and Homiletics
Race, Gender and Culture
Religious Freedom
Religion and Globalization
Religion and Higher Education
Religion and Politics
Religion, Marriage, and Family
Religious Education
Salvation and Soteriology
Spiritual Direction and Formation
Spirituality and Healing
World Religions

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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