International Conference on Insurance Mathematics and Economics ICIME on August 30-31, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

International Conference on Insurance Mathematics and Economics ICIME on August 30-31, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

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International Conference on Insurance Mathematics and Economics (ICIME) August 30, 2026 - Sydney, Australia
Insurance mathematics
Quantitative insurance economics
Insurance mathematics and stochastic finance
Theory, models and methods of life insurance
Theory, models and methods of non-life insurance
Actuarial mathematics
Actuarial models
Analysis of high frequency financial data
Behavioral finance
Carbon and green finance
Credit risk methods and models
Dynamic optimization in finance
Forecasting of dynamical actuarial and financial phenomena
Fund performance evaluation
Insurance portfolio risk analysis
Interest rate models
Machine learning and soft-computing in finance
Management in insurance business
Models and methods for financial time series analysis
Models for financial derivatives
Multivariate techniques for financial markets analysis
Optimization in insurance
Probability in actuarial sciences, insurance and finance
Real world finance
Risk management
Solvency analysis
Sovereign risk
Static and dynamic portfolio selection and management
Trading system

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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