International Conference on Innovation and Educational Transformation ICIET on January 30-31, 2025 in Paris, France

International Conference on Innovation and Educational Transformation ICIET on January 30-31, 2025 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Innovation and Educational Transformation (ICIET) January 30, 2025 - Paris, France
Innovation and Educational Transformation
Creating engaging learning environments
Promoting teacher quality and effectiveness
Expanding postsecondary readiness, access, and attainment
Developing partnerships among education and economic stakeholders
Navigating national trends and state policies for education reform
Meeting the needs of diverse students to promote equity and engagement
Leveraging resources to transform education
Bridging the global achievement gap
Re-engineering schools through innovative educational models

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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