International Conference on Information Theory ICIT on May 03-04, 2025 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Information Theory ICIT on May 03-04, 2025 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Information Theory (ICIT) May 03, 2025 - Rome, Italy
Adversarial channel models
Authentication codes
Biometric security
Bounded-storage models
Codes, lattices and cryptography
Coding theory and practice
Communication theory
Cryptography and data security
Cryptography from noisy channels
Detection and estimation
Implementation challenges
Information theory and statistics
Information theory in networks
Information-theoretic reductions
Information-theoretic tools in computational settings
Key and message rates
Multiparty computations
Multi-terminal information theory
Network coding security
Nonlocality and nonsignaling
Pattern recognition and learning
Physical layer security
Physical models and assumptions
Quantum cryptography
Quantum information theory
Randomness extraction
Secret sharing
Sequences and complexity
Shannon theory
Signal processing
Source coding
Wiretap channels

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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