International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City on December 05-07, 2025 in Shanghai, China

International Conference on Information Technology: IoT and Smart City on December 05-07, 2025 in Shanghai, China


The accepted and registered papers will be published in Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, etc.

The former proceedings of ICIT have been included in ACM Digital Library, successfully indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already within 4 months after the conference. ICIT2024 is under publication.

ICIT 2023 Proceedings (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0904-3) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.

ICIT 2022 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9743-8) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.

ICIT 2021 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8497-1) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.

ICIT 2020 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8855-9) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.

ICIT 2019 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7663-1) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.

ICIT 2018 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6629-8) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.

ICIT 2017 Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-6351-8) are included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus already.




Manhua Liu,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Xuefeng Liang,Xidian University, China



Jun Shi,Shanghai University, China

Guowei Lu,The University of Aizu, Japan

Yanlin Geng,Xidian University, China



Xiangjie Kong,Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Wenjie Chen,Anhui University, China

Liang Hunag,Wuhan University of Technology, China



Hao Yan,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China



Yanyan Xu,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Yan Wang ,East China Normal University, China


Regional Committee:

Shancheng Zhao,Jinan University, China

Shuxin Liu,Shanghai DianJi University, China

Xuehe Wang,Sun Yat-sen University, China

Liu Fang,Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

Mohd Faizal Abdollah,Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Asif Iqbal. H,Management and Science University, Malaysia


International Publicity Committee:

Jianpeng Hu,Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Wei Zhang,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Ibrahim Mohammed Dweib,Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman

Warusia Mohamed Yassin ,Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Ken Gorro,Cebu Technological University, Philippines

Viany Utami Tjhin,Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia


Preliminary Schedule:

December 5, 2025---Registration & Material Collecting

December 6, 2025---Keynote Speeches & Parallel Presentations

December 7, 2025---Invited Speeches & Parallel Presentations



Lily Chen

Email: [email protected]


Wechat: iconf-cs-2

Tel: +86-136-2777-7774

Topics (include but not limit):

Information Systems and Technology;

The Application of Information Technology;

Information Technology Management;

Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing;

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology;

Computational Science and Technology;

Data Mining, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery;

New and Important Applications and Trends;

Grid-computing, Supercomputing and Cloud-computing;

Hardware and Software Co-design;

Health and Medical Science and Technology;

Human-Computer Interaction;

Image and Signal Processing;

Information Science and Technology;

Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents;

Modeling and Simulation;

Pattern Recognition and Information Retrieval;

Smart Card and RFID Technologies;

Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems;

Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Systems;

Real-time Systems, Embedded Systems, and Distributed Systems;

Digital Devices, Computer Components, and Interconnection Networks;

Specification, Design, Prototyping, and Testing Methods and Tools;

Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Computational Science;

Performance, Fault Tolerance, Reliability, Security, and Testability

For more topics, please visit at:


Name: youngnd

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