International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering ICITSE on November 18-19, 2026 in Paris, France

International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering ICITSE on November 18-19, 2026 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Information Technology and Software Engineering (ICITSE) November 18, 2026 - Paris, France
Artificial and Computational Intelligence
Genetic algorithms
DNA computing
Granular computing
Particle swarm optimization
Simulated annealing
Evolutionary computation
Ant colony optimization
Fuzzy set theory and Systems
Adaptive Systems
Expert system
Intelligent Control and Robotics
Automated Reasoning
Natural Language Understanding and Processing
Machine learning

Information and sensing technology
Computer and communications technology
Information systems
Information fusion
Database system
Image and Pattern recognition
Computer security
Embedded system and applications
Adaptive signal processing and control
Dynamic systems modeling
Internet technology
Internet of things and cloud computing
Data mining and cluster analysis
Information and decision systems
Process workflow management
E-Commerce, E-Service, E-Government
Business processes modeling
Business intelligence

Digital media technology
Digital Media and processing
Digital Content management
Digital Media Transmissions
Game Design and Development
Media Art and Digital Art
Virtual reality and Visualizing
Real Time Rendering
Data Fusion
Voice, Image and Video Processing
Image processing and image segmentation
Human-computer interaction
Computer Graphics
Animation and Simulation
3D Reconstruction
Geomatics and Geographic Information Engineering
Digital Watermarking

Software Engineering
Agent-based software engineering
Embedded software engineering
Component-based software engineering
Distributed software engineering
Computer supported cooperative work
Patterns and frameworks
Reflection and metadata approaches
Software domain modeling
Requirements engineering
Software architectures and design
Software cost estimation
Software process modeling
Software engineering decision support
Software engineering tools and environments
Software maintenance and evolution
Software safety and reliability
Web-based knowledge management
Web and text mining
Unified modeling language (UML)

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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