International Conference on Influenza ICI on December 13-14, 2025 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Influenza ICI on December 13-14, 2025 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Influenza (ICI) December 13, 2025 - Rome, Italy
Virus structure and replication
Clinical Impact and diagnostic approaches
Virus host interaction and pathogenesis
Epidemics and pandemic threats
Mathematical modeling
Antivirals and resistance
Animal flu-ecology and epidemiology of animal influenza
Vaccines:current and novel approaches
Genetics and evolution of virus and host
Evaluation of vaccine safety and effectiveness
Risk management and mitigation
Maternal immunization
Scientific approaches towards intervention strategies
Late Breaker

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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