International Conference on Industrial Organic Chemistry ICIOC on July 29-30, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey

International Conference on Industrial Organic Chemistry ICIOC on July 29-30, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey

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International Conference on Industrial Organic Chemistry (ICIOC) July 29, 2025 - Istanbul, Turkey
Industrial chemistry
Petroleum and organic industrial chemistry
Developments in petro chemistry and refining
Corrosion in petro and oil pipeline industry
Petroleum stream terms and ecology
Different approaches to HPV
Alkylation, Burton and Cumene Processing
Polymerisation, Rasching and Oxo processing, Production of Nylon
Metallurgical industrial chemistry
Industrial polymers, metals and composites chemistry
Industrial pharmaceutical and cosmetic chemistry
Applied chemistry
Nanotechnology involved in industrial chemistry
Industrial electrochemistry
Industrial photo chemistry
Textile industrial chemistry, textile engineering and apparel industry
Nuclear chemistry in industry
Production of food and beverages
Adhesive industrial chemistry
Industrial processes, white biotechnology and green chemistry
Industrial materials and applications
Chemistry in plastic, glass and leather industries

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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