International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing ICISVC on October 06-07, 2026 in Beijing, China

International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing ICISVC on October 06-07, 2026 in Beijing, China

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International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing (ICISVC) October 06, 2026 - Beijing, China
Image, Signal and Vision Computing
Computer vision
Pattern recognition (statistical and structural)
Machine learning
Remote sensing
Shape and texture analysis
Image coding and processing
Image analysis
Medical applications
Defense applications
Industrial applications
Software and hardware
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Automated visual surveillance
Computer graphics
Enhancement of video and still images
Feature detection and feature extraction
Geometric algebra in vision and graphics
Graph matching
Image analysis and understanding
Image based rendering
Image compression and coding
Mesh acquisition and simplification
Medical imaging applications
Motion tracking and analysis
Object recognition
Optical Character Recognition
Pattern recognition, clustering, and classification
Reconstruction techniques
Scientific visualization
Shape recovery from multiple images
Signal processing
Sonar and acoustical imaging
Statistical inference and characterization
Stereo analysis

Image/Video Coding and Transmission
Still image coding
video coding
stereoscopic and 3-D coding
distributed source coding
image/video transmission over wireless networks

Image/Video Processing
Image filtering
restoration and enhancement
image segmentation
video segmentation and tracking
morphological processing
stereoscopic and 3-D processing
feature extraction and analysis
interpolation and super-resolution
motion detection and estimation
implementation and systems

Image Formation
Biomedical imaging
remote sensing
geophysical and seismic imaging
optimal imaging
synthetic-natural hybrid image systems

Image Scanning, Display, and Printing
Scanning and sampling
quantization and halftoning
color reproduction
image representation and rendering
display and printing systems,
image quality assessment

Image/Video Storage, Retrieval, and Authentication
Image and video databases
image indexing and retrieval
video indexing
retrieval and editing
multimodality image/video indexing and retrieval

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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