International Conference on Higher Education and Educational Technology ICHEET on August 23-24, 2026 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

International Conference on Higher Education and Educational Technology ICHEET on August 23-24, 2026 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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International Conference on Higher Education and Educational Technology (ICHEET) August 23, 2026 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Higher education and educational technology
Approaches to professional development and standards for disability service providers
Assessment methodologies and rubrics in higher education
Enhancing learning experiences in higher education
Formal and pragmatic obstacles and opportunities in student exchange programs
Funding resources for staff and student exchange
Graduates job readiness
Higher education and international student exchange
Higher education at a time of crisis: challenges and opportunities
Higher education relationships with orders, syndicates, and unions (e.g. Order of engineers, syndicate of pharmacists, students’ unions…)
How to defend the yielded higher criterion to the access of regional- and local students?
How to establish campuses as multicultural communities
How to evaluate students’ readiness for studying abroad?
How to recruit highly talented students abroad?
Ict and e-learning in higher education
Innovations in higher education: programs, services, technology, and funding
International educational exchange programs
International ranking schemes of universities
Leadership and entrepreneurship in higher education
Learning far away from home and close to your future colleagues
Learning in multicultural contexts
Lifelong learning, industry partnerships, and service to society
Promoting effective institutional governance in higher education
Quality assurance & accreditation in higher education
Research, development and innovation in higher education
Role of global universities in regional development
Strategic planning in higher education
Student access to higher education
Technologies for spreading learning around the world
The internationalization of higher education
Trade-offs between student exchange in the bachelor- versus the master stage?
Virtual presence as option for extending the students’ learning space
Women in higher education

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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