International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management ICHIHIM on February 10-11, 2025 in London, United Kingdom

International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management ICHIHIM on February 10-11, 2025 in London, United Kingdom

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International Conference on Health Informatics and Health Information Management (ICHIHIM) February 10, 2025 - London, United Kingdom
Health Informatics and Health Information Management
Medical and Nursing Informatics
Design and Development Methodologies for Healthcare IT
Semantic Interoperability
Confidentiality and Data Security
Knowledge Management
Databases and Datawarehousing
Decision Support Systems
Wearable Health Informatics
Mobile Technologies for Healthcare Applications
Evaluation and Use of Healthcare IT
Physiological Modeling
Cognitive Informatics
Affective Computing
Therapeutic Systems and Technologies
Healthcare Management Systems
Human-Machine Interfaces for Disabled Persons
Development of Assistive Technology
ICT, Ageing and Disability
Practice-based Research Methods for Healthcare IT
Electronic Health Records and Standards
Software Systems in Medicine
Pervasive Health Systems and Services
e-Health for Public Health
Clinical Problems and Applications
Data Visualization
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Bridging health and social care services
Meeting the needs of users
Understanding information needs and information behaviours
Connecting services and people
Developing skills for the e-health landscape
Maximizing the benefits, maximizing the potential
Exploring new technologies
Collaborating locally, nationally and internationally
Managing the processes, managing the people
Building strategies, building bridges
Enabling and empowering: patients, careers and the public
Considering ethics, politics and principles
Securing the future

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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