International Conference on Green Chemistry and Biocatalysis ICGCB on September 09-10, 2026 in Singapore, Singapore

International Conference on Green Chemistry and Biocatalysis ICGCB on September 09-10, 2026 in Singapore, Singapore

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International Conference on Green Chemistry and Biocatalysis (ICGCB) September 09, 2026 - Singapore, Singapore
Green organic synthesis
Organic synthesis, nanochemistry and green chemistry
Enzymes for green organic synthesis
Nanocatalysts and nanotechnologies for green organic synthesis
Biocatalysis and enzymes in organic synthesis
Catalysts, green solvents and microwave reactions
Reactions in the solid state on photo irradiation and enzymes
Green conditions, microwave irradiation, sonication, and use of green solvents and catalysts
Objectives of sustainable chemistry
Basic principles and new trends in green chemistry
Green chemistry in industry
Sub- and supercritical fluid technology
Green extraction techniques
Green solvents and catalysis
Separations and analysis
Green manufacturing and engineering
Energy efficient manufacturing
Sustainable building
Biobased materials
Bio-inspired materials
Clean polymerization methodologies
Biomass and wastes as resources
Conversion of vegetable oils, derivatives and by-products
Biomass resources, conversion technologies
Bio-based chemicals and reactions
Recycling for green and sustainable chemistry
Biodiversity, sustainability
Biomass policies, markets
Solar technologies and new trends
Bioenergy, wind energy and geothermal energy
Hybrid systems
Renewable storage technologies
Life-cycle assessment
Environmental and ethical assessments
Sustainability evaluation
Carbon foot print
Transportation, disposal and reuse
Education and policies

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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