International Conference on Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management ICGLSCM on September 20-21, 2025 in Lisbon, Portugal

International Conference on Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management ICGLSCM on September 20-21, 2025 in Lisbon, Portugal

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International Conference on Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ICGLSCM) September 20, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Capacity Planning
Contract Designs to Coordinate Supply Chains
E-commerce based supply chain management
Emergency logistics and humanitarian supply chain management
Financial Accounting/ Advanced Management Accounting
Global Logistics, Supply Chain Management and Operations Management
Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing
Global Supply Chain Management
Global supply chain management base on social network
Global Supply Management
Green supply chain and social responsibility
Innovation and Technology Management
Innovation in global supply chain
Intermodal coordination in global logistic network
International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Internet-based global supply chain management
Inventory control with various types of demand (deterministic, random and seasonal)
Lean Manufacturing
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics and supply chain management with informatics, and economic geography
Logistics, Sales and Operations Planning,
Management Accounting
Managing inter-firm relationships in supply chains
Managing the operations interface within organizations
Maritime logistics and supply chain management
Material Requirement Planning
Measuring supply network performance
New paradigm of logistic management
Operations and Information Management
Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Production Scheduling
Project Risk and Procurement
Project Scheduling
Risk management of global supply chain
Social Responsibility in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Socio-political issues in global supply chain management
Sourcing Decisions
Strategic International Business Management
Strategic Issues in Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Designs
Supply chain finance
Supply Chain Inventory and Production Planning
Supply Chain Links and Enterprise Ressource Planning
Supply chain management issues
Supply Chain Science (Capacity, Variability, Batching, Flows, Buffering, Push/Pull Production)
Coordination Problems and Bullwhip Effects
Supply Chain, Logistics and Technology Management
Supply network design and structures
Sustainability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Value Chain Design/Foundations of Organization

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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