International Conference on Geomorphology ICG on January 09-10, 2025 in Singapore, Singapore

International Conference on Geomorphology ICG on January 09-10, 2025 in Singapore, Singapore

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International Conference on Geomorphology (ICG) January 09, 2025 - Singapore, Singapore
Coastal geomorphology and management
Fluvial geomorphology and river management
Geomorphic hazards, risk management and climate change impact
Geomorphic processes and long term landscape evolution
Tropical geomorphology
Geomorphosites & geoparks
Glacial and paraglacial geomorphology
Submarine geomorphology
DEMs, GIS and spatial analysis
Tropical Rivers: Hydro-Physical Processes, Impacts, Hazards and Management
Dating methods
History and epistemology of geomorphology
Tectonic geomorphology (including neotectonics and paleoseismology)
Large rivers
Permafrost and periglacial geomorphology
Hillslope processes and mass movements
Reef forms
Geomorphology and earth system science
Permafrost and periglacial geomorphology
Aeolian systems and arid geomorphology (including subarid margins)
Modelling in geomorphology
Mountain geomorphology
Karstic geomorphology: from hydrological functioning to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions
Sediment fluxes and morphodynamics of stream channels
Extreme events in geomorphology
Human impacts on landscapes
Planetary geomorphology
Quaternary geomorphology
Volcanic geomorphology: towards a quantitative assessment of volcanic landforms, processes and hazards
Rock control on geomorphic processes and landforms
Statistics in geomorphology
Sandstone geomorphology
Methods for landslide hazard and risk assessment
Rocky coasts
Sediment budgets
Remote sensing
Magnitude and frequency in geomorphology
Geomorphology and the Critical Zone
Weathering, soils and biogeomorphology
Geomorphology and global environmental change
Anthropogenic drivers of cultural stone deterioration and conservation
Applied geomorphological mapping

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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