International Conference on Geometry, Topology and Applications ICGTA on March 03-04, 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand

International Conference on Geometry, Topology and Applications ICGTA on March 03-04, 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand

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International Conference on Geometry, Topology and Applications (ICGTA) March 03, 2025 - Bangkok, Thailand
Theoretical Aspects of Geometry
Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Kinematic Geometry
Descriptive Geometry
Discrete differential geometry
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Geometry Compression
Geometry processing applications
Geometric modelling and fabrication
Computational Geometry
Geometric and Solid Modeling
Scientific and Technical Visualization
Application of Geometry in Arts, Sciences, Architecture and Engineering
Robust geometry processing
Shape analysis and synthesis
Simulation and animation
Smoothing and denoising
Surface and volume parameterization

General Topology
Set-Theoretic Topology
Geometric Topology
Algebraic Topology
Applied Topology
Topological Groups
Dimension Theory
Dynamical Systems and Continua Theory
Computational Topology

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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