International Conference on Game Theory ICGT on May 24-25, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

International Conference on Game Theory ICGT on May 24-25, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

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International Conference on Game Theory (ICGT) May 24, 2026 - Barcelona, Spain
Algorithmic Game Theory
Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Applications of dynamic games
Auction Algorithms and Analysis
Bargaining theory
Biological networks
Cloud computing and grid applications
Coalition formation theory
Coalition Theory Network
Coalitions, coordination and collective action
Competitive routing
Complexity Classes in Game Theory
Computation of Nash, correlated, and market equilibria
Computational advertising
Computational Aspects of Equilibria
Computational Aspects of Fixed-Point Theorems
Computational Social Choice
Computing with Incentives
Control of queuing networks
Convergence and learning in games
Cooperative equilibria
Cooperative game theory
Cost-Sharing Algorithms and Analysis
Decision Theory, and Pricing
Dynamic Games in Management Science
Dynamic Programming and Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks
Dynamical systems and stochastic approximation
Economic Aspects of Distributed Computing
Economics and finance
Economics aspects of distributed and network computing
Economics aspects of security and privacy
Efficiency of Equilibria and Price of Anarchy
Electrical power networks
Environment, energy and resource management
Evolution and Learning in Games
Evolutionary games
Flow and congestion control in networks
Formation of social networks
Game theory and graphs
Games for competition, advertisement or influence over social networks.
Grid applications
Hierarchical optimization and games in networking
Hierarchical optimization in networking
Incentives for cooperation between network entities
Industrial organisation
Information and attention economics
Internet Economics and Computational Advertising
Learning in games, multi-agent learning
Learning mechanisms in games
Marketing and operations management
Network control and optimization
Network formation
Network formation games
Network games
Network Games and Graph-Theoretic Aspects of Social Networks
Network Games, COntrol and OPtimization
Network industries (telecommunications, transportation, etc.)
Network pricing
Networked control systems
Non cooperative dynamic games
Numerical methods in dynamic games
Optimal control, differential games and mean field games
Optimization and control theoretical tools in networking
Optimization of wireless networks
Political economy
Preference elicitation and winner determination in combinatorial auctions
Price differentiation and price dynamics
Price of anarchy
R&D and innovation
Repeated Games and Convergence of Dynamics
Reputation, Recommendation and Trust Systems
Resource allocation and their optimization
Resource allocation in networks
Scheduling transmissions in networking
Social choice
Social networks
Solution Concepts in Game Theory
Stackelberg games in networking
Stochastic control
Stochastic games
Trade theory
Transport networks
Trust and reputation management
Web and Internet Economics

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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