International Conference on Forensic Sciences and Reliable Forensic Evidence ICFSRFE on November 18-19, 2026 in Paris, France

International Conference on Forensic Sciences and Reliable Forensic Evidence ICFSRFE on November 18-19, 2026 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Forensic Sciences and Reliable Forensic Evidence (ICFSRFE) November 18, 2026 - Paris, France
Admissibility, expression and use of forensic evidence in courts
The nature and purpose of proof in the administration of justice
The scope and reliability of the forensic sciences and their place and influence within the administration of justice.
Foundations and principles guiding reform of the law of evidence in developed and developing nations.
The role and influence of scientific, moral, cultural, religious and political values on proof in the administration of justice.
The requirements and standards set by law for proof in investigation, trial, appeal and review.
Problems and developments in particular fields of forensic science, such as DNA evidence, fingerprint evidence and the cognitive sciences.
Expression of forensic evidence at trial and its combination with other evidence in determining facts in litigation.
Processes for ensuring the reliable use of forensic evidence during investigation.
Recent and future advances in forensic evidence
Processes for ensuring the reliable use of forensic evidence at trial, such as assurances of transparency, formulating strict standards for admissibility, permitting court appointed experts and further appeals against conviction.
Law, Legal, Forensic Science and Statistics
Evaluating evidence of emerging analytical technologies
Epidemiological evidence and the law
Education of methods for evidence interpretation
Communication between lawyers and experts
Legal versus scientific reasoning
Quantifying evidential value
DNA mixture interpretation
Interpretation at activity level
Combining evidence
Statistical and logical methods in law, legal and forensic sciences
Deciding under uncertainty
Statistics as evidence
DNA profiling, fingerprint and illicit drug analysis, and analysis of large digital datasets for intelligence purposes
Law enforcement and the justice system
Interdisciplinary technical developments and applications in biological, physical, chemical and digital forensic disciplines

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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