International Conference on Food Technology, Science, Development and Design ICFTSDD on August 19-20, 2026 in Bangkok, Thailand

International Conference on Food Technology, Science, Development and Design ICFTSDD on August 19-20, 2026 in Bangkok, Thailand

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International Conference on Food Technology, Science, Development and Design (ICFTSDD) August 19, 2026 - Bangkok, Thailand
Food science and technology
Food design and development
Food processing technology
Food engineering model: past, present and future
Food microbes: probiotics and functional food
Food and public health
Food hygiene and technology
Food safety: prevention and control
The chemistry of food ingredients
Food and nutrition
Post harvest and food packaging technology
Food industry: edible oils and others
IPR in food technology
Food nanotechnology
Diary food technology
Food waste management
Food laws policy and governance
Food marketing and economics
Investment in food technology

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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