International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Economics ICEEE on July 08-09, 2026 in Prague, Czechia

International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Economics ICEEE on July 08-09, 2026 in Prague, Czechia

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International Conference on Environmental and Ecological Economics (ICEEE) July 08, 2026 - Prague, Czechia
Environmental and Ecological Economics
Post-growth economics
Natural resources, ecosystem services and environmental quality
Development, consumption and well-being
Power, politics, institutions and the reality of achieving change
New business models and understandings of human behaviour
Theory, methods and practice
Resource use and environmental impacts
Threats to food, water and energy security
Unequal distribution of economic and physical wealth
Power imbalances and conflicts
New waves of political and economic migration
Climate change and global biodiversity loss

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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