International Conference on Environment and Natural Resources Management ICENRM on January 14-15, 2026 in Zurich, Switzerland

International Conference on Environment and Natural Resources Management ICENRM on January 14-15, 2026 in Zurich, Switzerland

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International Conference on Environment and Natural Resources Management (ICENRM) January 14, 2026 - Zurich, Switzerland
Deforestation: macroeconomic policies and deforestation, REDD and REDD+ mechanisms
Weather insurance
Low - carbon cities in emerging countries: transport, waste management, urban sprawl
Green economy in developing / emerging economies
Economic valuation of the environment : stated and revealed preferences, experimental economics
Agri-environmental policies : rural policies, farmers’ behavior, land use conflicts
Energy: biofuels, oil rent, energy technology transition and provision of energy services
Biodiversity: instruments for conservation, protected areas, economic value, payments for ecosystem services
International trade and the environment: foreign direct investment, competitiveness
Institutions and governance: national and international governance, environmental treaties,corruption
Resources management: water, fisheries
Health and the environment
The private sector and the environment
Financial, economic and environmental crises

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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