International Conference on Entomology and Insect Science ICEIS on November 15-16, 2025 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

International Conference on Entomology and Insect Science ICEIS on November 15-16, 2025 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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International Conference on Entomology and Insect Science (ICEIS) November 15, 2025 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ecological entomology and research
Entomological effects of global warming in agriculture and medical entomology
Entomology around the world
Entomophagy, and entomology in popular culture
Forest entomology
Frontiers in entomology
Functional genomics and transgenesis
Genetically modified organisms
Genetics and evolutionary entomology
Insect biomechanics and insect-inspired robotics
Insect chemical ecology
Insect genetics
Insect immunology
Insect neurobiology
Insect-plant interactions in a changing climate
Insects in food safety and homeland security
Integrated pest management and sustainable agriculture
Invasive and exotic entomology
Medical and veterinary entomology
Medical and veterinary entomology
Molecular basis of insect learning and behavior
Morphology, systematics and phylogeny
Neurobiology and toxicology
Physiology and biochemistry
RNA and gene expression control in insects
Stored products entomology
Systematics, taxonomy and zoogeography
Urban entomology in a changing environment
Agricultural and forest entomology
Agricultural entomology
Apidology, sericulture and social insects
Arthropod vectors of animal and plant disease
Biodiversity, biogeography and conservation of arthropods
Bioinformatics, and comparative genomics of arthropods
Biological control and insect pathology
Ecology and population dynamics
Ecology of pesticides, resistance, toxicology and genetically modified crops

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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