International Conference on Engineering Psychology, Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics ICEPHFCE on July 18-19, 2024 in Rhodes, Greece

International Conference on Engineering Psychology, Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics ICEPHFCE on July 18-19, 2024 in Rhodes, Greece

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International Conference on Engineering Psychology, Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics (ICEPHFCE) July 18, 2024 - Rhodes, Greece
Applied cognitive psychology
Automation and Autonomous Systems
Cognitive task analysis
Command and control
Computer-mediated Communication
Control design
Decision making and decision support
Designing for pleasure of use
Display design
Distributed cognition and distributed systems
Engineering Psychology, Human Factors and Cognitive Ergonomics
Formal error prediction techniques
Human error
Human Centered Design Human Factors certification and regulation
Human Factors and System Integration
Human Factors Methods
Industrial ergonomics
Job design
Mental workload
Participatory design
Product design
Requirements analysis
Safety, Risk and Human Reliability
Serious Games for Training and Education
Situation awareness
Socio–technical systems
Systems of systems
Team working
Training design and analysis

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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