International Conference on Energy, Biomass, Waste and Environmental Management ICEBWEM on February 17-18, 2025 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Energy, Biomass, Waste and Environmental Management ICEBWEM on February 17-18, 2025 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Energy, Biomass, Waste and Environmental Management (ICEBWEM) February 17, 2025 - Rome, Italy
Animal Production Technology
Animal production systems and techniques
Animal feeding strategies and impact on manure management
Optimisation of manure management systems
Air quality in livestock production systems
Traceability systems
Animal welfare
Automatic milking systems
Recirculation of water systems in aquaculture
Aquaculture in greenhouses

Energy, biomass and biological residues
Energy crops, harvesting, handling and transport.
Crop and Biomass Logistics
Heat and power generation using removable energy sources
Composting, combustion and biogas production systems.
Electrical technology
Biomass and emission trade
Bioological Residues: wastes from agricultural production and forestry, processing industries,
and municipal sources (MSW)
Bioenergy Processes: fermentations, thermochemical conversions, liquid and gaseous fuels, and petrochemical substitutes
Bioenergy Utilization: direct combustion, gasification, electricity production, chemical processes,
and by-product remediation
Biomass and the Environment: carbon cycle, the net energy efficiency of bioenergy systems,
assessment of sustainability, and biodiversity issues.
All other environmental, management and economic aspects of biomass and bioenergy

Ergonomics, Safety and Health
Interaction machine / operator
Risk assessment
Machine user’s safety. Ergonomics and safety constraints
Pesticide exposure
Protection of operators
Monitoring methods and biomonitoring
Practical applications of ergonomic design and research
Work Analysis and Design
Work Measurement
Work Organization and Ergonomics
Ergonomics in Total Quality Management

Information Technology, Automation and Precision Farming
Wireless sensor networks
Sensing and data interpretation in agriculture
Information, communication, and decision-making systems
Intelligent vehicles, autonomous navigation, and safeguarding in automation
Mechatronics, agricultural robotics, biorobotics, and control systems
GNSS applications, precision farming, remote sensing, and GIS
Machine vision, image analysis, and software design
Real-time sensing and control
Hardware architecture, electrohydraulic controls, standardization, variable-rate applications
Decision support and expert systems
Mapping, environmental modelling
Integration technologies

Post Harvest, Food and Process Engineering
No destructive methods for quality inspection and estimation
Physical properties of agricultural products
Quality and safety during storage and transport
Computing simulation
Postharvest treatments
Thermal processing
Peeling, cutting, chilling and freezing
Innovative packaging, active atmospheres and intelligent packages
Food safety and nutritional values
Functional Foods

Power and Machinery
Engine and tractor power
Soil tillage
Fertilizing and crop planting
Crop protection technology
Pruning and canopy management

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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