International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology ICESIT on November 08-09, 2026 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology ICESIT on November 08-09, 2026 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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International Conference on Embedded Systems and Intelligent Technology (ICESIT) November 08, 2026 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Embedded Systems
Embedded System Architectures
Reconfigurable Computing
Application-Specific Processors and Devices
Hardware/Software co-Design
FPGAs and System-on-Chip (SoC)
Real-Time Systems
Embedded Operating Systems
Embedded System Software & Optimization
Power-Aware Computing

Ubiquitous Computing
Pervasive Computing & Communications
Middleware and Peer-to-Peer Computing
Internet Computing and Applications
Multimedia and Data Management
Human-Computer Interaction
Network Protocols
Wireless Communication & Networks
Mobile Computing
Agents and Distributed Computing
Security and Fault Tolerance
Sensor Networks - Applications -

Intelligence Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Digital Signal Processing
Information Retrieval and Enhancement
Intelligent Data Analysis and E-mail Processing
Industrial Applications of AI
Machine Learning and Translation
Mobile/Wearable Intelligence
Natural Language Processing
Neural Networks and Fuzzy System
Data Mining and Semantic Web
Computer-Aided Education

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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