International Conference on Economics, Financial and Industrial Systems ICEFIS on June 14-15, 2026 in Montreal, Canada

International Conference on Economics, Financial and Industrial Systems ICEFIS on June 14-15, 2026 in Montreal, Canada

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International Conference on Economics, Financial and Industrial Systems (ICEFIS) June 14, 2026 - Montreal, Canada
Operations Management in Economics & Financial and Industrial Systems
Problem Solving, Design and System Improvement
Minimax Problems and Solving Methods
Dynamic Game Theory Approaches to Competition and Cooperation
Value Networks
Managing Inter-firm Strategic Alliances
Corporate Developments: Mergers and Acquisition
Strategic Implementation
Innovation, Change and Entrepreneurship
Managing Organizational Change
Manufacturing Process Management
Service Process Management
Product Design and Development
Transportation Models
Competitive Strategy Development and Industrial Structure
Supply Chain Management
Man-Machine Systems

Information Systems in Economics & Financial and Industrial Systems
Business Models and the Internet
Strategy, Operations and Information
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Database and Information Management
System Analysis, Design and Implementation
Modern Financial Services Technologies
Derivatives Pricing
Forecasting, Advanced Computing and Simulation
Market Analysis, Dynamics and Simulation
Portfolio Management and Asset Allocation
Risk Management
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Intelligent Trading Agents
Advanced Computing and Simulation

Decision Processes in Economics & Financial and Industrial Systems
Decision Support Systems
Decision Support Applications in Finance
Fuzzy Approaches
Multi-criteria Decision Making
Knowledge-Based Management
Decision Models and Uncertainty
Business Models and the Internet: Strategy, Operations, Information
Risk Analysis and Environmental Management
Risk and Crisis Management

Applications and Case Studies in Economics & Financial and Industrial Systems
Mathematical Modeling Applications
Game Theory Applications
Optimal Control Theory Applications
Computational Intelligence Applications
Meta-heuristic Applications
Decision Support System Applications
Electronic Commerce Applications

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.