International Conference on Economics and Management Information Systems ICEMIS on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

International Conference on Economics and Management Information Systems ICEMIS on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

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International Conference on Economics and Management Information Systems (ICEMIS) August 12, 2026 - Venice, Italy
Business and Economics
International Economics
Microeconomics including Industrial Organisation
Financial Economics
Financial Engineering
Agricultural Economics
Labour and Demographic Economics
Health Economics
Industrial Economics

Business intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Evolutionary and genetic algorithms
Support vector machines
Fuzzy logic
Machine learning
Neural networks
Intelligent agent based systems
Business applications of artificial intelligence

Business information management
Business process management
Data governance
IT Project management
Electronic commerce
Financial management
Information security
Quality management
Customer Relationship Management
Semantic business process management
Adaptive and dynamic processes
Supply chain processes
ERP implementations
Integration of data and processes
Collaborative BPM

Information technology
Communication and network systems
Business Data mining
Data governance technologies and applications
Business databases, data warehousing
Software engineering
Internet technology and application
Multimedia business applications

Creation, learning, population, evolution and evaluation of ontologies
Ontologies for enterprise content management
Natural language processing and cognitive science
Semantic integration of heterogeneous semi-structured information sources
Interoperability of heterogeneous information systems
Business models for web information integration and aggregation

Location-aware and geography-centric information systems
Wireless and mobile applications
Multi-agent distributed systems
Semantic web personalization
Ambient computing

Content retrieval and filtering
Hidden Web search and crawling
Data integration from Web information sources
Modeling and describing evolving data sources
Adaptive integration of evolving data sources
Information gathering support for knowledge-intensive enterprises
Search over semi-structural Web sources
Business models for a content

Knowledge-based collaboration
Human-computer interaction
Social networks and social wikis
Enterprise mashups, enterprise 2.0
Infrastructures for collaboration (p2p, tsc, etc.

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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