International Conference on Economic and Social Development ICESD on June 10-11, 2026 in Tokyo, Japan

International Conference on Economic and Social Development ICESD on June 10-11, 2026 in Tokyo, Japan

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International Conference on Economic and Social Development (ICESD) June 10, 2026 - Tokyo, Japan
Economic and Social Development
Challenges of the Modern World
The Economic Impact on Social Development and Democracy
Contemporary Economy and Globalization
Regional Development
Between Liberalization and Intervention
International and Local Capital Markets
Education and Knowledge Management
Towards Modern Welfare Economics
Modern Tendencies in Economy and Management of Tourism
Enterprise in Turbulent Environment
The Economics of Modern Enterprise
Planning or Predicting: Concepts and Models
Corporate Governance
Manufacturing: Strategy, Technology, and Organization
Human Capital Management
Marketing Perspective
The Legal Environment of Business
Business Continuity
ICT Support to Business Activities
Corporate Finance
Accounting and Auditing
Entrepreneurship between Creativity and Bureaucracy
The Role of SMEs in National Economies
SMEs in Global Value Chains
Education for Creativity

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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