International Conference on Eco-Friendly Technologies and Environmental Sustainability ICEFTES on November 04-05, 2026 in Cape Town, South Africa

International Conference on Eco-Friendly Technologies and Environmental Sustainability ICEFTES on November 04-05, 2026 in Cape Town, South Africa

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International Conference on Eco-Friendly Technologies and Environmental Sustainability (ICEFTES) November 04, 2026 - Cape Town, South Africa
Eco-friendly technologies and their effects
Eco-technology and sustainable development
Eco-technology for global warming and climate change
New materials and energy sources for eco-technological applications
Control of impacts on ecosystems
Improvement of cleaner processes and products
Eco-marketing and sustainable business strategies
Environmental management systems in the production and services sectors
Ecological engineering methods
Energy efficient systems an energy-saving technologies
Applications of ecological engineering principles
Environmental chemistry
Interactions of organisms and succession of biological communities
Organic and inorganic pollutants
Cloud computing
Algorithmic efficiency
Architectural changes
Techno trash

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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