International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine ICDMM on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine ICDMM on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

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International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine (ICDMM) August 12, 2026 - Venice, Italy
Disaster and Military Medicine
Challenges for Disaster and Military Medical service support in multinational operations
Civil Military Cooperation
Emergency, Disaster and Military Medicine - Interdisciplinary experience
The role of Military Medicine in Disaster and Relief Operations
Deployment Health Surveillance systems
Wound Management / e.g. on ballistic gunshot injuries
Emergency and Rehabilitation Health Care
Aviation medicine, combat casualty care, bioterrorism, naval medicine and field medicine
Education and Training
Scientific collaboration, cooperation with Industry

Military Medicine in International Military Conflicts

Military field medicine as an exceptional factor of reduction in combat casualties due to the use of medical technologies and equipment in the field
Introduction of modern methods of medical aid to “potentially non-lethal” patients immediately after the injury
Stabilizing patients to a transportable condition; stabilizing vital functions
Pre-hospital hemorrhage control
Analgesic therapy, pain syndrome control methods
Prompt patient evacuation

Military Surgery Today and in the Future

Problems with training military surgeons
Future of the military field surgery
Neck and head injuries

Urgent Aid in Emergencies

Neurological condition, head, spine
Neurological condition in children
Chest injuries
Abdominal and pelvis injuries
Limb injuries
Rubble-pile injuries
Bullet and shell fragment wounds
End clinic choice
Transportation method choice

Co-operation of Military Medics with the Private Sector, Public Civilian Medical Structures and Organizations
Training of Specialists, Development Training for Specialists of Related Disciplines
NATO’s Vision of the Military Medicine Future
Lessons Learned from Recent Military Operations

Rehabilitation of Military Servicemen Suffering from Mental and Psychological Disorders after Involvement in Local Conflicts

Socio-psychological service as an integral part of the military medicine
Building and developing a network of socio-psychological services
Methods of socio-psychological treatment for survivors, relatives and conflict participants
Organization of the urgent psychological aid
Organization of the mid-term and long-term psychological care
Organization of the socio-psychological aid for rescuers
System of managing socio-psychological services in disaster areas

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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