International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies ICCHNT on November 11-12, 2026 in Rome, Italy

International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies ICCHNT on November 11-12, 2026 in Rome, Italy

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International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (ICCHNT) November 11, 2026 - Rome, Italy
Cultural heritage technologies
Methodologies and analytical techniques for the characterization and for the evaluation of the preservation state of historical masterpieces
On-site and remotely sensed data collection
Digital artefact capture, representation and manipulation
Experiences in cultural heritage conservation
Methods for data elaboration and cataloguing
Setting of historical architectures
Intelligent tools for digital reconstruction
Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
Applications in education and tourism
Archaeological reconstruction
Electronic corpora
XML and databases and computational interpretation
Three-dimensional computer modeling, second life and virtual worlds
Image capture, processing, and interpretation
3-D laser scanning, synchrotron, or X-ray imaging and analysis
Metadata of material culture
Optical 3D measurement
Cultural heritage recording
Terrestrial laser scanning
Virtual reality data acquisition
Photogrammetric processing
Remote sensing
Culture portals
Advanced systems for digital culture in museums, archives and art institutions
Digitalization of cultural property
Web 2.0 and development of social networks on the top of cultural heritage portals
Applications of mobile technologies for digital culture and cultural heritage
Ubiquitous and pervasive computing
Methodologies and approaches to digitization
Augmented reality, virtual reality and digital culture
Access to archives in europe
Books and electronic publishing
2/3/4D data capture and processing in cultural heritage
Web-based museum guides
Applications of semantic web technologies in cultural heritage
Non-destructive analytical techniques for the study of the composition and decay of cultural heritage components
Management of heritage knowledge and data
Visualization for cultural heritage

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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