International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems on February 28-March 02, 2025 in Kowloon, Hong Kong

International Conference on Computer Communication and Information Systems on February 28-March 02, 2025 in Kowloon, Hong Kong


All the papers will be strictly peer-reviewed after submission. Accepted papers will be included into CCCIS 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS), sent to IEEE Xplore for inclusion, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.



February 28, 2025---Sign-in and Collect Conference Materials


March 1, 2025---(Morning)----Openning Remarks & Keynote Speeches

                   (Afternoon)----Parallel Sessions

March 2, 2025----Parallel Sessions



Mary (Conference Secretary)

E-mail: [email protected]


I. Computer Science and Information System


Autonomic and Trusted Computing

Big data and machine learning for networks

Biomedical Informatics and Computation

Business Analytics and Big Data

Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing

Computer Architecture

Cross-layer optimization and control

Crowds, Social Media and Digital Collaborations

DLT, Blockchain and Fintech

Edge and fog computing/networking

Human Computer/Robot Interactions & Interfaces


Information security and privacy

Information-centric networking

Interference management and mitigation

Multimedia networking

Social computing and networks

Software-defined networking

Web applications and content distribution

Distributed and Parallel Processing

Computer Vision and Image Processing

Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality

Data Mining

Automated Software Engineering

Computer Security

Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing

II. Communication and Information Engineering

5G and beyond networks

Cyber-security, Privacy and Ethics of IS

Datacenter networking

Age of Information

Cellular networks


Cyber-physical systems

Dynamic spectrum sharing

Energy efficiency in networks

Internet architecture

Internet of Things

Localization and location-based services

Medium access control

MIMO-based networking

mmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks

Mobile sensing and applications

Network management

Network measurement and analysis

Network security and privacy

Network virtualization

Optical networks

Overlay and peer-to-peer networks

Router and switch design

Routing and multicast

Vehicular networks


Data Communications

Digital Signal and Image Processing

Name: etpub

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