International Conference on Computer and Intelligent Systems Engineering ICCISE on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

International Conference on Computer and Intelligent Systems Engineering ICCISE on August 12-13, 2026 in Venice, Italy

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International Conference on Computer and Intelligent Systems Engineering (ICCISE) August 12, 2026 - Venice, Italy
Computer Science and Technology

Artificial Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Data Mining
Data Compression
Ubiquitous Computing
Neural Networks Natural Language Processing
Information Systems
Expert Systems
Database Systems
Pattern Recognition
Programming Languages
Computer Architecture & VLSI
Embedded Systems
Digital System and Logic Design
Computer Modeling
Control Systems
High Performance Computing
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Robotics and Automation Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing
Computer Animation
Computer Based Education
Computer Games
Computer Vision
Digital Library E-commerce and E-governance
Theoretical Computer Science
Information Retrieval
Scientific Computing

Intelligent Systems Engineering

Genetic Algorithms
Human-machine Interaction
Intelligent Classification
Intelligent Control
Intelligent Distributed Sensor Networks
Intelligent Hybrid Systems
Intelligent Image Processing
Intelligent Information Retrieval
Intelligent Information Systems
Intelligent Measurement
Intelligent Signal Processing
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Interval Computation
Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Representation
Learning and Memory
Logical and Probabilistic Inference
Machine Learning
Modeling the Real World through Contexts
Multi-Agent Systems
Multimedia Mining
Natural Language Processing
Neural Networks
Neuro-fuzzy Systems
Ontology-based Intelligent Systems
Particle Swarm Optimization
Pattern Recognition
Probabilistic Reasoning
Reinforcement Learning
Robotic Technologies
Rough Sets
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition
Support Vector Machines
Swarm Intelligence
Syntactic and Semantic Processing

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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