International Conference on Community-Based Health Care and Adult Care ICCBHCAC on March 17-18, 2025 in Paris, France

International Conference on Community-Based Health Care and Adult Care ICCBHCAC on March 17-18, 2025 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Community-Based Health Care and Adult Care (ICCBHCAC) March 17, 2025 - Paris, France
Community-based nursing practice
Community-based health care
Legal principles in nursing
Roles and responsibilities
The concept of health in public health nursing
Health care delivery systems and primary health care
Maternal and child health
Adolescent reproductive health
School health service
Prison health service
Substance abuse
Promoting and protecting the health of older population
Home visiting and home health service
Community health nursing
Rehabilitation nursing
Adult care
Primary healthcare
Health promotion
Disease prevention
Healthcare systems
Healthcare management
Healthcare professionals
Healthcare research
Health information technology
Healthcare financing

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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