International Conference on Communication in Healthcare ICCH on September 27-28, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey

International Conference on Communication in Healthcare ICCH on September 27-28, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey

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International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) September 27, 2025 - Istanbul, Turkey
Assessing clinical communication skills
Basic and applied communication research in healthcare
Communication and emotion
Communication in Healthcare
Communication in quality and safety
Communication technology, e-learning, serious gaming, and social media
Cross-cultural communication
Health behavior change
Health equity and social justice
Health literacy and numeracy
Humanities, ethics and professionalism
Information-gathering and clinical reasoning
Language discordant care and use of interpreters
Linguistics and sociolinguistics
Patient decision aids
Patient participation and empowerment
Patient perspectives
Psychophysiology and communication
Research methodology
Risk communication
Shared decision-making
Teaching clinical communication skills
Team and inter-professional communication
Underserved populations and health disparities

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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