International Conference on Cognitive, Behavioral and Experimental Economics ICCBEE on September 20-21, 2026 in Paris, France

International Conference on Cognitive, Behavioral and Experimental Economics ICCBEE on September 20-21, 2026 in Paris, France

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International Conference on Cognitive, Behavioral and Experimental Economics (ICCBEE) September 20, 2026 - Paris, France
Cognitive economics
Cognitive and behavioral economics
Experimental economics
Laboratory methods
Biases in judgment
Choice under risk and uncertainty
Choice anomalies
Rational choice under uncertainty
General equilibrium
The principles of game theory
Rationality and the experimental study of reasoning
Statistical mechanics
Conditional statements and directives
Choice axioms for a positive value of information
Analysis of dynamic economics
Stochastic evolutionary game theory
The structure of economic interaction
Experimental markets
Social interactions in economic theory
Social networks and economic dynamics
Coalitions and networks in economic analysis
The future of cognitive economics

Constructive reactions
Prospect theory
Connectionism and neural networks
Artificial intelligence

Intertemporal choice and self-control
Decision-making under risk and uncertainty
Mirror neurons and strategic choice
Trust game and brain activation
Oxytocin and trusting behavior

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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