International Conference on Challenges in Engineering, Medical, Economics and Education: Research & Solutions on November 06-08, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal

International Conference on Challenges in Engineering, Medical, Economics and Education: Research & Solutions on November 06-08, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal

It is with great pleasure that Research & Innovation Group wants to welcome every organization or individual that chose to participate on 4th International Conference on Challenges in Engineering, Medical, Economics and Education: Research & Solutions (CEMEERS-24b) Nov. 6-8, 2024 Lisbon (Portugal).

Following the spring edition of CEMEERS-23, the winter edition of CEMEERS-23b and winter edition of CEMEERS-24a, this autumn edition of CEMEERS-24b will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in engineering, medical, economics and educational environments because in knowledge there are no borders.

Technology is becoming more and more environmentally friendly on full life cycle. Environmental problems are being mitigated by modern technology and better processes. The energy efficiency is a business opportunity so interesting nowadays that companies are making profit on energy savings rather than on energy consumption. Energy storage devices and methods are under profound research to satisfy upwards and downwards slew rate demands.

Medical subjects are being faced everyday with new diseases and effects on Human health and quality of life. Past and recently pandemics caught communities off-guard and challenged medical experts and practitioners. With time constrain and limited health systems, solutions from scientific research and innovation rose.

Education is not only a vehicle to spread information and knowledge but also to prepare citizens for the labor market. It has always been like that, but soft skills allied with hard skills are of great importance: it is not enough for current job seekers to be smart, ambitious and know how to use technology and one must have developed competencies deal with the intrapersonal relationship and interaction with others.

Mathematical modeling has always been used as a very significant tool for answering many concerns of the society emerging in health, social sciences, agriculture, biological sciences and engineering. With its multiple aspects, this emerging tool helps, more frequently, in solving current multidisciplinary problems.

All these areas have enormous potential to grow and to increase the qualification of products and services. Industry has a key role on transforming knowledge into case studies. Economics have a key role.

The goal of this Conference is to bring together research scholars, delegates and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in technology application researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on the mentioned areas advancements and establishing new collaborations. Conference participants will have the opportunity to think about new problems and research approaches and participate in critical discussions that promote networking and look for probable solutions for present and future challenges.

The various debates on the subject are a matter of greater and better sharing of knowledge for better international governance, hence the need for more information-level cooperation between our academic institutions that are especially dedicated to study in the most varied strands.

The CEMEERS-24b is a hybrid conference with possibilities to participate both in person and online. Your participation is essential to make this conference a memorable experience. We hope that this sharing of knowledge will lead to practices to promote, improve, and strengthen communication and create working relationships to seize opportunities for effective change towards common improvement in an era in which we explore new worlds. We look forward to watching your presentations and to share ideas with every participant.

Thank you for joining us in the CEMEERS-24b.

The conference organizer will not accept any bank charges (Local Bank charges and the foreign/intermediate Bank Charges) associated with the transfer of money. Please ask your bank Local Bank charges and the foreign/intermediate Bank Charges to you Bank specifically and add that amount while transfer.

ONE Registration Fee Includes the following for the Registered author:

Welcome reception

Printed Name Card

Name card holder


Participation in the technical program

Printed Participation Certificate

ONLINE Proceedings with ISBN and all papers will be ONLINE with unique DOI identifiers

Printed Program Booklet

Coffee breaks on presentation day

Lunch on presentation day

(Please note that we are NOT providing any Travel expenses, VISA expenses, Accomodation Charges etc.)

Presentation Options:

Oral Presentation at Conference Venue (in Physical Presence): A Laptop and a data projector will be provided to the participants. Each participant has to load the PPT or PDF presentation file in the laptop using flash drive and 10-15 minutes will be provided to each participant for slide show presentation.

Poster Presentation at Conference Venue (in Physical Presence): There will be digital poster presentation. The presenter will show the PPT of poster in the slide show and the participant has 7-10 minutes to explain to the audience.

ONLINE (video presentation with WhatsApp/viber/Skype)

OFFLINE (creating PowerPoint presentation without/with recorded voice for conference participants)

All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. One Best Presenation Award from each session will also be distributed at the time of the conference.

All registered papers will be online at ISBN DOI Indexed Conference Proceedings OR the following DOI-Crossref Indexed ISSN journals.

All accepted papers of CEMERS-24b will be published in the ONLINE conference proceedings with valid International ISBN number. Each Paper will be assigned unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from CROSSREF and the Proceedings of the Conference will be archived in EIRAI's Engineering & Technology Digital Library. Printed certificate will be provided at the time of the conference.

English is the official language of the conference. We welcome paper submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted or published or under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic (DOC or PDF) format alongwith the contact information.


Name: FENP

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