International Conference on Building Physics and Built Environment ICBPBE on July 19-20, 2026 in Helsinki, Finland

International Conference on Building Physics and Built Environment ICBPBE on July 19-20, 2026 in Helsinki, Finland

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International Conference on Building Physics and Built Environment (ICBPBE) July 19, 2026 - Helsinki, Finland
Acoustic Classification Criteria in Labelling Systems for Office Buildings, Housing and Educational Buildings (Acoustic Classification Schemes, Acoustic Criteria in Sustainability Labelling Systems, Holistic Approach to Energy and Noise Issues, Quieter Homes)
Acoustic Comfort and Vibration Perception
Advanced Façades: High-performance Building Envelopes
Allied Building Materials
Analytical/design Methods
Architectural Acoustics
Architecture and Building Engineering
Blast Engineering
Bridges, Tall Buildings
Building Acoustics
Building and Architectural Acoustics
Building Engineering Applications
Building Integrated Renewable Energy Sources
Building Interactions with the Environment
Building Materials and Components
Building Materials and Building Components (Performances)
Building Performance
Building Physics
Building Physics for Sustainable Built Environment
Building Science
Case Studies
Clashes in Technical Standards: Issues Regarding Multi-compliant Performance Measures
Construction and Building Technology
Daylighting Effects on Human Health and Wellbeing and on Building Performances
Double Skinned Envelopes
Embodied Energy and Operation Energy in Buildings
Energy and Economic Sustainability of High Performing Buildings
Energy Efficient Design and Retrofit of Buildings
Energy Efficient Lighting in New and Existing Buildings
Energy Efficient Retrofit of Existing Buildings (Intervention, Energy and Indoor Environment Management)
Energy Management, Control and Optimization of Smart Buildings in Smart Cities
Environmental and Energy Systems
Fire Engineering
From Sustainable Buildings to Sustainable Cities
Green Roofing
Heat, Air, Moisture Transfer
Iaq and Ventilation
Indoor Environmental Quality and Safety
Indoor Environmental Quality Factors and Their Interactions (Visual, Acoustic, Thermal, Indoor Air)
Infrastructure Engineering
Innovation in Building and Construction
Innovative Structures
Integral Building Envelope Performance
Indoor Environment Control for Comfort And/or Preservation
Insulation and Building Envelope Materials and Systems
Interaction of Building Enclosure with Mechanical Systems
Life Assessment/durability
Life Cycle Analysis: Feasibility and Spill Over
Microclimate for Ancient Buildings, Preventive Conservation and Restoration
New Construction Materials
Noise Control
Non-structural Performance of Buildings
Occupant Behaviour and Energy Needs in Buildings
Optimization and Modeling Techniques
Passive and Active Building Envelope Systems
Polymeric, Mineral, Cellulose-based, and Composites
Renewable Energy Sources
Repairs, Strengthening, Maintenance
Structural Analysis and Design
Structural Health Monitoring, Safety, Reliability
Structure-fluid-soil Interaction
Testing Technologies
Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality
Visual and Acoustic Comfort
Visual Comfort
Whole Building Technologies and Energy Efficiency

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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