International Conference on Buddhist Philosophy and Mindfulness ICBPM on April 15-16, 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal

International Conference on Buddhist Philosophy and Mindfulness ICBPM on April 15-16, 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal

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International Conference on Buddhist Philosophy and Mindfulness (ICBPM) April 15, 2026 - Lisbon, Portugal
Buddha and Tao Philosophy
Buddhism and Phenomenology
Buddhism and Social Engagement
Buddhism and Social Justice
Buddhism Cosmology
Buddhism in the Changing World
Buddhism in the modern world
Buddhism, business and economic relations
Buddhism, Christianity and Philosophy of Religion
Buddhism, Humanities and Ethnographic Methods
Buddhism, Neuroscience and Mental Health
Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health
Buddhism: present-day state and prospects
Buddhist Affirmations of Human Rights
Buddhist approach in Jurisprudence
Buddhist Manuscript Cultures
Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation Practies
Buddhist Philosophy and Praxis
Buddhist Philosophy for Peace
Buddhist Philosophy of Language
Buddhist Philosophy, Soteriology, and Culture
Buddhist Psychotherapy
Buddhist Studies as a Discipline and its Role in the Education
Buddhist Studies, Philosophy of Religion
Buddhist Texts and Commentaries in Traditional and Contemporary Context
Buddhist Women Sakyadhita
Buddhist Women's Role in the Sangha
Buddhist-Christian Studies
Comparative Philosophy
Comparison with other philosophies
Competing philosophical views
Continental Philosophy and the Catholic Intellectual Heritage
Cross-cultural Ethics
Earliest Buddhism and Madhyamaka
East Asian Buddhism
Ecology and the Environment
Embodied Philosophy
Esoteric Buddhism
Ethics and Anthropology
Ethics and Psychology
History of Buddhism
Human Rights
Indian Mahāyāna philosophy
Intellectual History and Philosophy
Interfaith Dialogue on Ethics
Medical Ethics
Mindfulness and mental health
Modern philosophy
Nietzsche and Buddhist Philosophy
Online Buddhist studies
Philosophical Ethics
Philosophical orientation
Philosophy and Christian Dialectic
Philosophy as Metanoetics
Philosophy of Religion
Politics, Philosophy and Religion
Practical Application of Buddhism in Western Psychology
Prajñāpāramitā and Madhyamaka
Religion and Logic in Buddhist Philosophical Analysis
Religious Dimension of Intercultural Dialogue
Science and Buddhism
Scientific and Philosophical Buddhist Knowledge
Sexual minorities and the Buddhist Spiritual Path
Shengtong and Buddha nature
Social and Political Philosophy
Spiritual Philosophy‎
The noble truths and causation
The Original Subjectivity in Pure-Land Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhist philosophy
Transforming Buddhism
Transgression and Encounters with the Terrible in Buddhist and Śaiva Tantras
Vinaya and Jurisprudence
Yogācāra-Mādhyamika synthesis

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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