International Conference on Bronchology, Interventional Pulmonology and Respiratory Diseases ICBIPRD on September 27-28, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey

International Conference on Bronchology, Interventional Pulmonology and Respiratory Diseases ICBIPRD on September 27-28, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey

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International Conference on Bronchology, Interventional Pulmonology and Respiratory Diseases (ICBIPRD) September 27, 2025 - Istanbul, Turkey
Acute Lung Injury
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Bronchoscopy and Interventional Techniques
Bronchoscopy in Pediatric Patients
Cell and Molecular Biology
Clinical Allergy and Immunology
Clinical Respiratory Medicine
Critical Care Medicine
Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Endobronchial Management of Obstructive Airway Diseases
Endobronchial Staging of Lung Cancer
Endoscopic Management of Central Airway Obstruction
Environmental and Occupational Health and Epidemiology
Interstitial Lung Disease
Lung Cancer
Lung Surgery
Lung Transplantation
Medical Thoracoscopy
Nursing Assistance During Bronchoscopy
Pediatric Lung Disease
Pulmonary Circulation
Respiratory Infections (non-TB)
Respiratory Neurobiology and Sleep
Respiratory Structure and Function
Surgical Management of Airway Lesions
Thoracic Surgery

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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