International Conference on Breast Cancer ICBC on July 15-16, 2026 in Stockholm, Sweden

International Conference on Breast Cancer ICBC on July 15-16, 2026 in Stockholm, Sweden

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International Conference on Breast Cancer (ICBC) July 15, 2026 - Stockholm, Sweden
Breast Cancer
Breast Density: Mechanisms and Clinical Implications
Snp’s - Germline Polymorphisms in Breast Cancer Susceptibility and Treatment Toxicity
The mTOR pathway: Role in Metabolism and as a Therapeutic Target
Molecular Imaging of Breast Cancer: Visualizing In Vivo Breast Cancer Biology
Treatment on the Edges: Discordance Between Stage and Biology
Clinical Trial Designs
Controversies in the Surgical Management of Breast Cancer
Navigating the Obstacles of Survivorship
Her2-Positive Breast Cancer
Inflammation and Breast Cancer
Tumor Dormancy and Late Recurrences
Biology of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Mammary Cell Lineages and Breast Cancer Subtypes

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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