International Conference on Biography and Autobiography ICBA on August 30-31, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

International Conference on Biography and Autobiography ICBA on August 30-31, 2026 in Sydney, Australia

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International Conference on Biography and Autobiography (ICBA) August 30, 2026 - Sydney, Australia
The state of the field—past trajectories, new directions
Genre, social action and auto/biography
Public transit: famous, infamous, ordinary lives
Transitory stories: making identity across and through borders
Auto/biographical frontiers
Travelling as identity and as work
Indigenous stories in transition
Transnational lives and the idea of place
Get outside (the human): ecocriticism, the biosphere, animal life
Networked selves: new media in transit
Life History and anthropology
Updates: diaries, letters, blogs, Pinterest, tumblr, and more
Literary movements and life writing
Being moved: affect and narrative
Trans/it: queering life stories
Life Studies: pedagogical issues and approaches

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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