International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Healthcare ICBDAH on February 06-07, 2025 in Havana, Cuba

International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Healthcare ICBDAH on February 06-07, 2025 in Havana, Cuba

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International Conference on Big Data Analytics in Healthcare (ICBDAH) February 06, 2025 - Havana, Cuba
Healthcare analytics
Health data analytics
Big data analytics in healthcare
Innovation and data science in healthcare
Analysis of research in healthcare data analytics
Healthcare analytics for quality and performance improvement
Information system and information technology in healthcare sectors
Healthcare analytics and data mining
Health data platforms
Evidence-based medicine
Using electronic health records as a source
Linguistic and text analysis for healthcare
Bayesian probability analysis in healthcare data
Internet of things for medical and healthcare applications
Novel signal processing methods for wearable and implantable biosensors
Big-data analytics for healthcare
Machine learning, scalable machine learning and deep learning algorithms for medical IoT
Novel devices and circuits, and architectural support for healthcare-aware IoT
Cloud-enabled ehealth solutions
Fog computing/edge clouds for healthcare cloud resource allocation and monitoring
Privacy preserving and security approaches for large scale analytics
Case studies of smart eHealth architectures
Big data for electronic health records
Users’ perspective of security, privacy and trust in big data analytics.
Big data applications in context-sensitive targeted populations
Big data enabled user studies in decision making in healthcare
Mobile applications and infrastructure technologies in big data application.
Evaluation of impact of big data application on modernized healthcare
Theoretical constructs, models, architectures and conceptualizations for big data application
Location Based big data application for citizen, professionals and organizations
Social, cultural, legislative and economical barriers in big data practice
Big data for cost minimization in healthcare delivery
Big data applications in healthcare by the government and its policies
Big data for chorionic patient management and disease outbreak management

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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