International Conference on Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry ICBMP on November 11-12, 2026 in Tokyo, Japan

International Conference on Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry ICBMP on November 11-12, 2026 in Tokyo, Japan

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International Conference on Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry (ICBMP) November 11, 2026 - Tokyo, Japan
Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry
Addictive Behaviours
Cardiovascular Disease and Pulmonary Disorders
Childhood and Adolescence
Cross Track and Other
Diabetes, Metabolism, Nutrition, Obesity, Eating Disorders
Functional, Somatic and Somatoform Disorders
Gender and Health
Genetics and Environmental Interactions
Health Behaviors
Health Education and Promotion
Health Systems, Policy and Economics
Illness, Illness Affect, Illness Behavior
Infectious Diseases, SARS, HIV, AIDS
Measurement and Methods
Pain, Musculoskeletal and Neuromuscular Disorders
Physical Activity
Psychophysiological Disorders and Sleep
Screening and Early Detection
Socioeconomic Factors, Culture and Global Health
Stress, Psychophysiology, PNI, PNE
Translation of Research into Policy and Practice
Violence, Victimization and PTSD
Work Related Health

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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