International Conference on Autism, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ICAIDD on September 20-21, 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal

International Conference on Autism, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ICAIDD on September 20-21, 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal

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International Conference on Autism, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ICAIDD) September 20, 2026 - Lisbon, Portugal
Assistive and Adaptive Technology
Autism and Developmental Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Developmental Disabilities
Autism, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Culture and Society
Diagnosis Advancements
Early Childhood
Education, and Treatment for All Individuals
Effective Clinical Care
Health policy
Intellectual Disability
Mental Health
Mental Health Services Effectiveness
Multiple Disabilities
Potential Causes and Prevalence (Genetic, Immunological, Environmental)
Psychotherapeutic and Psychopharmacological Treatment Efficacy
Service Provision as They Pertain to the Mental Health of Children and Families
Studies of diagnostic reliability and validity

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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