International Conference on Architectural Humanities and History ICAHH on February 18-19, 2026 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

International Conference on Architectural Humanities and History ICAHH on February 18-19, 2026 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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International Conference on Architectural Humanities and History (ICAHH) February 18, 2026 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Architectural humanities
Architecture, urbanism, and humanities
Historical connections between architecture and linguistics
Relation between intellectual history, architectural theory and design
Architecture and landscape between Europe and the orient
The architectural treatise and developments in design education
Pedagogy in the design studio
Relation between architectural education and practice
Theatre design in the post-war period
Post-modernism and deconstruction
Fictional spaces
Imagery places
Utopia and dystopia remembered
Rhetoric, metaphors and architecture
Interior and literature
Space and emotion

Textual spaces / spatial texts
The language of built space
Mapping the city
Icons and meaning
Form, representation, and poetry
Pacing and tension: the structures of literary texts (literary architecture)
The interrelations between literary characters and real/imaginary architectural structures and spaces

Sound and smell
Writing cityscapes
Human embodiment (architecture, gender, body) and literary studies
Visual cultures
Writing the architect
Writers that build
Slums and urban landscapes
Reading architecture

Spaces of remembering and forgetting
Urban spaces and the politics of memory
The literature of ruins and ruination
Monuments, memorials, and collective memory
Palimpsests: space, time, narrative
Texture, textuality, and architectonics
The spaces of the archive
Walking: narrative, memory, embodiment
Travel writing, literary places/spaces, and time

Spatial, urban and architectural theory
Literature and architectural discourse
Inter-arts dialogues and poetics-policies of space
Built environments in literature and in the visual arts
Architectural culture
Architectural humanities
Architectural hermeneutics

Gothic architecture and literature
Haunted spaces and the modern unheimlich
Theories of the everyday life
Literary and architectural (post)modernisms
Non-places and the cultures of modernity
Narrating colonial and postcolonial spaces/structures;
Dwelling and modernism
Cultural- and psychogeography

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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