International Conference on Architectural Design and Building Technology ICADBT on June 10-11, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

International Conference on Architectural Design and Building Technology ICADBT on June 10-11, 2026 in Barcelona, Spain

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International Conference on Architectural Design and Building Technology (ICADBT) June 10, 2026 - Barcelona, Spain
Rationalism and universalism
Irrationalism and Intiution
Regionalism and Contextuality
Possible methodologies of design and spatial analysis of singular buildings
Function, building program and building types
Human behavior and “Users”
Ancient and traditional conception of design and its practice
Modern Movements and design methods: From Expressionism to Brutalism
Critical issues in the post-modern and contemporary discourse
Digital Age and Computer Aided Design
Simulation, collaboration and generative tools
Human/Computer Interfaces
Responsive environments; distributed controls, sensing and feedback
Digital fabrication and robotic craft
Metaphors, symbols, geometry
Design Computation and Shape Grammar
Foldable Plate and Origami
Philosophies and space and place
The language and semiotics of space and place
Aesthetics of form
Gesamtkunstwerk and totality of the work of art
Lived spaces and the architecture of identity
Haunted spaces/places and non-spaces
Authenticity and the reproduction/representation of place in the creative arts
Future of the cities and architecture
Participatory design
Representation of the built environment
Diagram, text and drawing
Education and Curriculum models
Plastic arts and design
Graphic and decorative and applied arts
Cinema, stage design and computer games
Structure as a design criteria
New Technologies: Technology and Architecture
Structural innovation and development
Transportable buildings and adaptation
Structure types and design
Intelligent, smart materials and building skins
Energy Efficient Adaptable Architecture
Interactive structures
Maintenance and Management Strategies
Earthquake and Adaptability
Design in details
Design and construction: composite materials, smart assemblies, material analysis
Energy and performance modeling, structural analysis
Design, locality and culture
Climate and geography
Environmental Design
Local Materials
Gendered spaces including the tension between domestic and public spheres
Work spaces and hierarchies of power
Geographies space including
Ethnic spaces/ethnicity and space
Disabled spaces/places
The relationship between power, knowledge and the construction of place and space
Colonialism, imperialism and globalism

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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