International Conference on Applied Radiation Science and Technology ICARST on January 09-10, 2025 in Tokyo, Japan

International Conference on Applied Radiation Science and Technology ICARST on January 09-10, 2025 in Tokyo, Japan

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International Conference on Applied Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST) January 09, 2025 - Tokyo, Japan
Radiation science and technology
Recent advances in radiation chemical sciences
Current radiation technology trends
Setting up of new radiation facilities
Production and transportation of cobalt-60
New generation electron beam accelerators and X-ray sources
Radiation sterilization
Radiation modification of polymeric materials
Radiation chemistry in the synthesis and design of nanomaterials
Development of advanced materials using radiation technology
Surface curing using radiation technologies
Radiation treatment of gaseous pollutants, industrial wastewaters, municipal wastewater, sludge and emerging organic pollutants
Use of radiation technology for cultural heritage imaging and preservation
Radiation chemical aspects related to water coolant systems in nuclear reactors, fuel reprocessing and nuclear waste management
Operational experience from radiation facility operations
Radiation dosimetry
Implementing quality management practices for the control of radiation processes
New generation safety and control features in radiation facilities
Applications of tracers and radiotracers for studying industrial and environmental processes
Thin layer activation method for wear measurement
Nucleonic control and measurement systems
Radiation detection techniques and equipment
Computational fluid dynamics and numerical modelling of residence time distribution
Radiation based imaging technologies
Economic aspects of radiation technologies vis-à-vis conventional technologies
Educational tools and methods for human resource development in this field

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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