International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science ICAPMS on October 04-05, 2025 in Madagascar, Madagascar

International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science ICAPMS on October 04-05, 2025 in Madagascar, Madagascar

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International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science (ICAPMS) October 04, 2025 - Madagascar, Madagascar
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Low-dimensional systems
Multifunctional nanomaterials
Nanoelectronics and information technology
Layered and composite nanostructures

Optical Physics, Quantum Electronics and Photonics
Optoelectronics, quantum electronics
Applied optics
Non-linear optics
Laser physics and applications
Ultrafast phenomena and applications

Materials Science & Engineering
Surfaces, interfaces and colloids
Polymers and amorphous materials
Soft and granular matter
Biomaterials science and biomedical engineering
Biophysics, Bio (electro) magnetism, Biophysical Chemistry

Engineering and Industrial Physics, Instrumentation Metrology and Standards
Advances in instrumentation and techniques
Applications of microscopy and imaging techniques in the physical sciences
Applied non-linear physics
Biomedical engineering, medical/biological physics, health physics, biomechanics
Environmental physics

Quantum, Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Atomic, molecular and chemical physics
Radioactivity and radiochemistry, radiation protection and safety issues
Nuclear sciences and engineering
Quantum entanglement, quantum information and quantum cryptography
Plasma physics, high-energy physics and particle physics

Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics
Computational Physics and Mathematics
Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems
Complexity and physics
Nano-science and mathematics
Computational nonlinear mechanics
Biological complexity and genetics
Chaotic systems
Nonlinear science and applications
Fractional dynamical systems

Name: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
Address: UAE

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
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